Day by day…

That’s all I’ve really been trying to do lately…take it all day by day. There are days when it’s tough to know that she’s really gone…it’s a hard thing to accept. There are days when I swear I catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye…but I don’t let myself believe it. Emily was one of the greatest friends I ever had. I didn’t have many friends at Edgewood because I was opinionated…but Emily made me embrase it. She made me want to be myself when I was around her, and she helped me through some rough times. When I look back, I realize that my anti-social tendancies may have hurt us, but I realize that she knew that’s the way that I was, and knew I would always be there for her, and the other way around. There’s songs that remind me of her all the time, and I try hard to hold back the tears, but sometimes I break down. She was one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met in my life. We’ve all lost something with her death, but we’ve all gained so much from her life.