I didn’t forget your birthday…I’ve met a lot of different people, lived in another country and tried some new things since I last saw you but you’re still my best friend and I still think about you everyday and that will never change. Love you Em!
Month: August 2007
Happy Birthday Emmy !!!!
Emmy, every now and then, as I just did now, I’ll visit your website and view all of the photos. Your smile and antics overpower the more somber and sad moments and I always come away smiling and feeling better. Your spirit just jumps off the screen and it lifts me up. It makes me realize how truly blessed we were to have you in our lives for those 18+ years. For your birthday I want to thank you for giving us your smile, your frown, your attitude, your loving, caring generous heart and your wonderful spirit. Happy Birthday, Emmy. I love you. Say hello to Mimi. Pappy